1. What Are People Saying About About the Best Payday Loan in Abita Springs, LA?
The best payday loan institutions in Abita Springs, LA is Citizens Bank & Trust Co. There are both positive and negative comments on this company here. "Whew don't do business with this bank. I had deposited a check on Thursday 5pm at the Covington Branch, I got frustrated when I found out funds wouldn't be available til Saturday. I read on their policy that $200 would be made available the First Business Day so I stopped by with the policy in hand and was immediately met by anger.
A older woman with thicker glasses and blonde hair went off the rails immediately when I was just trying to figure out what their definition of First Business day meant. I thought first business day was the day of the deposit, and second Business day was the next day after the initial date of deposit.
She screamed at me in front of other customers, because i said this seemed shady, I wasn't yelling I wasn't being aggressive I was just letting a comment on what was going on come out. I served 8 years in the US Army in Civil Affairs I don't scream at civilians when they get aggressive because I know they may be acting in the moment. She immediately said "I want you to come in tomorrow and close your bank account we will not do business with you anymore" I hadn't yelled I hadn't done anything wrong expect drop a butterscotch on the ground when I opened up the wrapper but I cleaned it up. I will say I would be writing a report to appropriate officers in the state to let them know how they reacted and how I couldn't understand their policy. She continued to scream at me after I said that as I left the business, her still shouting at me as the doors closed.
That is fine, I will go to Navy Federal, a respected national bank that takes care of veterans. But I will also be writing my report to the appropriate offices and discouraging anyone I can from doing business with CBT. There are tons of other Great national and local options to make it easier for you to bank. Don't give your money to these people....
If you check the reviews I think this was the same lady that screamed at the nice woman that was at the Abita Cafe.
Update! They will close your account without giving you notice! Woke up this morning the day after the above happened and find out my debit card is shut off, my checks don't work, but hey! the money is in the account thank you online access."
3. Can I Apply for a Payday Loan in Abita Springs, LA Without Credit Check?
It is worth noting that a credit check is a must according to the law and regulations. Fortunately, you can get payday loans with no credit check via a trusted broker like iPaydayLoans. We have worked with a large network of lenders who just do a soft credit check when providing you with the loan that is tailored to your needs.
5. How Can I Apply for a Payday Loan in Abita Springs, LA?
As mentioned previously, you can take out a payday loan from the stores listed above in person or submit your loan request through our online platform.
2. Can I Apply for a Payday Loan in Abita Springs, LA If My Credit Is Bad?
Of course. You can take a look at the payday lenders listed above and go to their stores physically. Or you can request a payday loan online via our site, which will save you from hassles.
4. Can I Get a Payday Loan In Abita Springs, LA if I Do Not Have a Job?
Yes, you qualify for a payday loan so long as you can afford to repay.